A restorative yoga session as part of the BAlance series of webinars, an initiative by Butterfly Ayurveda.
This yoga session will be led by Yogi Arun with over 23 years of teaching experience. In this session, you will learn breathing techniques to help clear your sinuses and lungs, stress relieving yoga asanas, yogic exercises to help alleviate knee pain, acupressure and pranayama that will further help nourish and strengthen the body’s tissues and boost immunity.
Yogi Arun was born in 1979 in Jaunpur district located between two of India’s holiest cities, Allahabad and Varanasi. He is a disciple of His Holiness Acharya Roopchandra Ji Maharaj and has been learning all facets of Yoga from Acharya Ji for the last 23 years. He practices and teaches physical, spiritual and mental forms of yoga to achieve oneness with nature and the surrounding environment.
He presents Yoga in a very simple, scientific, researchable and medical way. If you are practicing Yoga, but not getting the results, then you may get benefit from the very first day by doing yoga under his guidance. Not only in India, he has spread Yoga in the right way to thousands of people through Yoga improvement programs in many countries including the U.S.A., Canada, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sri Lanka.
He has conducted Yoga-Meditation programs for the Indian Army as well. According to him, one does not need to do yoga for hours, but do it in the right way to get proper benefits of the practice. Yogi ji has invented Bramh Kriya, a special Yogic-Kriya for only 3 minutes and 15 seconds.
He has been honoured by many national and international organisations for his outstanding public service and Yoga programs. He has deep knowledge of Ayurveda Panchakrm Therapy, Nadi Parikshan, Naturopathy, Vedic Diet Science, Acupressures-Reflexology and other alternative therapies.
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