A Brief Introduction to Manodoshas - Doshas of the Mind

A Brief Introduction to Manodoshas - Doshas of the Mind
When the doshas are in balance, it keeps the body healthy. When the doshas are imbalanced, it leads to roga or disease. Diseases are of two kinds - Nija (internal or endogenous) and Agantu (external or exogenous); likewise their Adhisthana (abode, dwelling, seat) is also divided into two - Kaya (the body) and Manas (the mind).

According to the Upanishads, everything in the universe is said to consist of the three Mahagunas-


Sattva or the equilibrium is a state of mind in which a person can discriminate accurately. It represents intelligence, joy, enthusiasm & purity. Sattva guna is most conducive to health.


Rajas or motion is a state of mind in which excessive mental activity weakens discrimination. It represents emotions, force, quickness and instability.

The predominance of Rajas gives rise to over-activity, haste, emotions like anger, bravery, passion and attachment; A person of Rajo guna tends to be very emotional, highly irritable & be susceptible to fits of anger and violence often.


Tamas or inertia is a state of mind in which insufficient mental agility weakens discrimination. It represents inactivity, ignorance, laziness and stability.

The predominance of Tamas gives rise to ignorance, grief, lack of enthusiasm & timidity. A person of Tamo guna tends to be slow in all activities, worried & sleepy.

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