All hail the heavenly showers that provide relief from the sweltering summers. From the lush green flora to joyfully flowing rivers, monsoon is the best season to watch Mother Nature unveil its true glory and bathe in its pristine natural beauty. However, the pouring rain and pleasant weather is often accompanied by low immunity levels and seasonal illnesses like the common cold, sore throat, flu, stomach problems, joint problems, etc. According to Ayurveda, Varsha Ritu (monsoon) is identified with doshic imbalances and low immunity. Wondering why? Well, the radical environmental change from the scorching summer to heavy downpours has a profound impact on our body immunity and doshic balance.
But fret not! To help you prepare for the rainy days ahead, Ayurveda advocates living in line with nature and following ‘Ritucharya’ (seasonal regimen); a lifestyle that is in line with the current environment and weather conditions.
So, instead of popping pills let's take a look at the Ayurvedic Ritucharya practice that focuses on incorporating simple changes in your lifestyle during the rainy season. These tweaks to your diet and lifestyle will keep you healthy and supercharged for your puddle jumping days.
Ayurvedic Remedies Are The Real MVP
Skin infections are quite common during monsoon. To prevent such problems, Ayurveda suggests a purifying oil massage with sesame oil mixed with a few drops of neem oil 30 minutes before taking a bath in warm water.
Antibacterial properties of neem ward off skin infections and sesame oil keeps your skin soft and supple. Moreover, taking a warm shower during the monsoon helps ignite the digestive fire and aids digestion. Such ayurvedic remedies during the monsoon are very effective as the body becomes more receptive to these treatments as the climate’s influence on body helps open up the pores.
Herb-full Diet For An Immunity Boost
Take a page from Ayurveda's repository of miraculous herbs and incorporate them into your diet for a much-needed immunity boost. Some of the common herbs found in every kitchen cabinet are Tulsi, Haldi, and Mulethi.
Tulsi (Basil), an Ayurvedic wonder herb is full of medicinal benefits and is referred to as the ‘Mother Medicine of Nature’. It helps treat cough, arthritis, fever, or any gastric disorders. Similarly, Haldi (Turmeric), the golden herb, is loaded with antioxidants and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for treating intestinal disorders and skin infections.
Mulethi (Licorice) is another herb that's packed with anti-viral properties and does wonders for sore throat. It has also been proven effective for people suffering from breathing difficulties or asthma. Another interesting herb that you can add to your herb-full diet is Triphala. This purifying herb acts as a body cleanser, purifies blood, regulates your bowel movements, and helps relieve headaches and constipation.
Practice Yoga To Combat Indigestion
The aggravation of tridoshas during the rainy season can cause sluggish metabolism, resulting in digestive disorders. The best way to prevent that is to follow a regular exercise regime to keep your body moving and active.
Practicing yoga asanas has shown to improve digestion and boost your bowel system. You can start with something simple and effective as the child's pose. This asana relaxes your back and calms your nervous system, providing relief from constipation. Nadi Shodhan pranayama is also an effective asana. It helps open up blocked noses and increases the resistance of sinuses. Yoga also helps improve blood circulation, strengthens your muscles, and promotes health.
P.S - You can also include ginger, garlic, black pepper, and asafoetida in your food to aid digestion.
Handy Herbal Teas To Boost Your Immunity
A warm cup of tea is the perfect way to ward off monsoon blues. Made with Ayurvedic herbs and spices, herbal teas help stabilize body temperature and prevent the onset of monsoon-related allergies. No wonder Ayurveda recommends having herbal teas, especially those with antibacterial properties.
Herbal blends made with ginger, pepper, honey, mint, and basil leaves are packed with antibacterial properties, have natural healing properties, and help boost immunity. Not only do these teas keep you warm during the rains, but they work as a decongestant and provide relief from sore throat, stomach inflammation or aches, and indigestion. That said, try to avoid coffee and other caffeine-loaded drinks as they dehydrate the body. Our advice? Switch to an Ayurveda-inspired cuppa made with detoxifying herbs that will help increase your metabolism for a prolonged period. Start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with herbal infusions made with tulsi, ginger, lemongrass, cinnamon to help boost your immunity.
While our bodies may require some extra TLC to stay healthy during the downpour, that's no reason to stay indoors. So, don't shy away from stepping outside and embracing the earthy freshness of the monsoon as you rejuvenate and recuperate with nature.
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