Our unique body constitution comprises all three doshas from the very moment we are conceived in our mother’s womb. From being a fetus we grow into a baby, and from a baby into a child, and then into an adult and then we enter old age until our death. Through all these different stages of our life’s development, one of the tridoshas is dominant in each phase.
From the time of conception in our mother’s womb till we become adults, and all through our infancy & childhood, the Kapha Dosha (water + earth) is predominant in our bodies. It is responsible for all the structural development and lubrication within the body. It plays a vital role in development of all the body tissues (dhatus) which consist of Rasa (plasma), Rakta (red blood cells), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat tissue), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra ( sexual fluids). It provides strength, stamina, stability and flexibility to the body. A child’s body develops into an adult’s body during this phase.
In our youth years, mostly from the age of 20 to 45 years, the Pitta Dosha (Fire + Water) is predominant in our bodies. It is responsible for metabolism and digestion processes. It stimulates the transformation of the body, also of thoughts and helps with digestion of life experiences. It gives us the fire energy that helps us focus the mind to build and direct our lives. This is seen through our day to day involvement in work and daily life activities.
As we tend towards old age, Vata Dosha (Air + Space) becomes predominant in the body. It makes the bones light, fragile and skin sensitive. Our memory and the nervous system are also affected. One tends to become forgetful and is more prone to illnesses. Very good care, proper rest and a healthy lifestyle is needed to maintain the fitness of the body and mind.
Ratri Chai, an ayurvedic speciality tea is highly recommended for vata related disorders, especially pertaining to the nervous system and memory. It is particularly helpful for conditions of Alzheimer's, and Parkinson disease, and insomnia.
Learn more about the doshas in time during the cycle of day in our upcoming blog.
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