Constipation is one of the most common problems, affecting every one in seven people who are otherwise healthy. It occurs when bowel movements become less frequent and stools become painful and difficult to pass. This happens because your colon absorbs too much water from stool, making it hard and dry and hence it becomes difficult to push out from the body.
Ayurveda classifies constipation as a vatic disorder and it mainly affects the large intestine. Vata helps to balance the movement and elimination of waste from the body. Therefore, stress, dehydration, exhaustion, cold, dry or leftover food can make your constipation worse.
What really causes constipation?
There are many causes of constipation some of them are listed below:
- Stress
- Dehydration
- Low fiber diet
- Change in routine
- Lack of exercise
- Pregnancy
- Delaying the impulse to have a bowel movement
- Having a large amount of milk and cheese
What are the common symptoms of constipation?
- Having fewer than three bowel movements a week
- Spending a lot of time in the toilet and unable to pass a stool.
- Stools are hard or dry
- Stools become difficult to pass
- Stomach ache
- Having a bloated feeling
- Having a feeling of not completely emptied your bowels after a movement
What are the natural remedies for constipation?
There are many natural remedies to help relieve constipation. We have listed out some of them below to help you get rid of constipation naturally.
- Stay hydrated: We all know that dehydration is one of the main reasons which cause constipation. To prevent this, drink enough fluids to stay hydrated.
- Include fiber in your diet: Fiber helps in increasing bulk and consistency of bowel movement. There are two main kinds of fibers: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps in soaking water which in turn keeps the stool soft. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool and helps it move easily through the digestive system. To prevent constipation, one must start eating more fiber foods like barley, nuts, peas, seeds, beans, whole grain, fruits and vegetables.
- Maintain a routine: Going to bed on time and waking up early can help ward off future bouts of constipation. Make a habit of going to the bathroom before bedtime and first thing in the morning.
- Exercise Regularly: Some studies have shown that exercise could help improve the symptoms of constipation. A simple exercise like going for a walk can stimulate the muscles in your intestine and colon which helps in bowel movement.
Which is the Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation?
Colonofly is the best medicine for digestive system. It is a natural bowel cleanser decoction based syrup, developed and formulated scientifically using Ayurvedic concepts. It is a unique combination of selected herbs which have high efficacy for colon, intestine and liver. It induces bowel movement and alleviates constipation.
Key ingredients:
Haritaki: It is a natural laxative to reduce constipation. It contains dietary fibers which are digestive agents and helps eliminate toxins from the body.
Kutaki: It is a laxative, stomachic, anthelmintic, cardiotonic and antipyretic. Kutaki promotes appetite and is beneficial in biliousness. As bhedana (purgative), it either breaks down a constipated faecal matter or disintegrates the vitiated doshas allowing their expulsion. The plant contains major bioactive compounds, such as picroside- I, II, III and kutkoside and a bitter glycosidal principle, kutkin.
Sunthi: Ginger has several phytonutrients and an aromatic and pungent taste. Its rhizome is commonly used in herbal prescriptions. Ginger contains essential oils, particularly gingerol and gingiberene. Its digestive stimulatory effects are associated with positive effects on trypsin and pancreatic lipase and its ability to increase gastric motility. It significantly diminishes nausea and prevents constipation.
Vidanga: Vidanga‘s roots, berries and leaves are used in herbal formulations. These are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, analgesic, anti-oxidant and beneficial in abdominal disorders, constipation and indigestion.
Draksha: It is commonly known as grape. Its ripe fruit is laxative, purgative diuretic, aphrodisiac and appetizer. Grapes’ purgative action owes to the combination of the properties of cellulose, sugar and organic acid in them. Other than bowel clearing, these also tone up the stomach and intestines and relieve the most chronic constipation.
Bibhitaki: It possesses multifarious medicinal properties, such as analgesic, anti-biofilm, anti-depressant, anti-oxidant, anti-ulcer, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. As a strong laxative and being astringent, it also cleanses and tonifies bowel.
Svarnapatri: Its leaves and pods have strong purgative action which makes them useful in chronic constipation. Svarnapatri’s medicinal action can be attributed mainly to its anthraquinone glycosides, especially sennoside A and B. Additionally, Svarnaptri’s mucilage content decreases bodily absorption of fluid leading to an enhancement of the final laxative action.
Trivrit: Trivrit is commonly used in Ayurvedic system of medicine to treat fevers, edema, ascites, anorexia, constipation, hepato and splenomegaly, intoxication and haemorrhoids. This drug accelerates defecation and as rechana (cathartic), it liquefies and expels stool whether formed or unformed, from the body. The chief laxative or purgative compounds of an alcohol-soluble fraction of this resin are glycosidic acids identified as turpethinic acids A-E.
Who can take this medicine?
This syrup can be taken by anyone having any kind of constipation whether it is drug-induced constipation or stressed induced constipation. It can even be taken by a person who has constipation after surgery. Pregnant women having constipation can easily take this syrup as it is made of 100% natural ingredients and therefore has no side effects.
Dosage & Storage
Adult: 20-30 ml before sleeping.
Children: 10-15 ml before sleeping or as directed by a physician.
Consume it over a month to experience the benefits.
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