Amongst the three doshas mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts, Vata dosha is concerned with cool weather. When the breeze turns cold and windy storms are knocking at your door, you have no choice but to welcome it.
While many people brave the winters or temporary cold climate, others find it challenging to merely survive such weather. If you are one of those who aren’t a big fan of the winter months, we have a few tips to help you sail the storm with ease.
But first, let’s take a look at some of the symptoms of Vata imbalance
- Tiredness
- Increased stress and anxiety
- Lack of focus and alertness
- Occasional constipation
- Poor blood circulation
- Indigestion
- Forgetfulness
- The early phase of Insomnia
Easy ways to pacify your Vata dosha
Less is more
Multi-tasking or moving around too much will only harm you. That said, follow the policy of less is more until your Vata dosha is under control. Since Vata is erratic, quickly changing thoughts and tasks will make it worse. One way to pacify your Vata is by sticking to one particular task and completing it before jumping to another one. Try to keep yourself on one thing only at a time.
Adjust your diet
To stay in sync with nature, you must adjust your diet according to the changing seasons. This alone can reduce your chances of feeling lost and imbalance. Vata is concerned with the cold weather so including warm foods in your diet should work well for you. Enrich your diet with soups, hot drinks and warm home-cooked foods to nourish your body. Products like ghee and sesame oil are good options to keep your body lubricated. You can also try out a few Ayurvedic herbs for Vata doshas.
Staying warm is an easy and effective way to minimize the problems associated with Vata imbalance. Snuggle up in your warm sweaters and joggers and style up with long boots and overcoats. Keep your socks on even inside the house to reduce your chances of catching a cold. Drink up on warm liquids and never leave wet hair unattended. After your shower, dry your hair and enjoy a cup of warm Vata pacifying tea with Vata balancing cookies.
Oiling is essential
Your skin will tend to go dry during the winter seasons. It's especially bad if you are facing Vata problems. So, what can you do to make sure that you don’t suffer too much? Oil up! You can counter the cold nature of Vata with warm Ayurvedic oil massage. If not everyday, try to do it every alternate day to keep your skin lubricated and hydrated. Before you head for a hot bath after oiling, let the oil soak and sit on the body for at least 10 minutes.
Vata sucks the body dry, leaving it chapped and what not. To make sure that you don’t face that stage, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, every day. You can also rely on Ayurvedic teas for Vata doshas. Drink them warm and keep your body hydrated with other warm beverages too such as soup.
Eat mindfully
Along with paying attention to what you are eating, you need to be mindful about when and how to consume it. Set a schedule and strive to stick to it. Do not skip your breakfast but don’t make the heaviest meal of the day as well. Enjoy a light breakfast and dinner while keeping your lunch heavy and rich in nutrition. Eat only as much as your body needs and not the amount your heart desires to avoid accumulating toxins.
Take care of your happiness
You come first! When you make this the motto of your life, half your problems will be reduced to none. When dealing with Vata, you are constantly struggling to find a balance in life and reinvent yourself. Use this phase to get closer to yourself and find your happiness. Simple things like cooking your favourite meal, taking a walk, reading a book or spending time with your pet can make your day happier.
Manage your sleep schedule
Ayurveda suggests that sleeping around 10 pm is a good practice to sleep tight and enjoy a sound sleep every night. Make it a habit to tuck yourself in the bed before the clock strikes 10 at night and try to relax your mind and body in order to prepare it for deep sleep. You can also drink the best tea for Vata dosha in the afternoon and enjoy a little Vata balancing oil massage before going to bed to accelerate the sleep process.
Centre yourself
Imbalance means you are not centred and in sync with yourself and nature. To reinstate that balance and defying the Vata imbalance, do yoga and meditation every day. While yoga will help your body in coping with the problems, meditation will help you centre yourself and get a fresher perspective on life.
Relax and breathe
If you are thinking this point is stupid is because we breathe all the time, you are slightly mistaken. Intentional breathing or pranayama works like a charm in reducing the symptoms of the Vata doshas. Try Anuloma Viloma pranayama for at least 10 minutes a day to alleviate the Vata dosha to some extent. Keep yourself as relaxed and calm as possible.
Ayurvedic products you should try for Vata balancing
The Ayurvedic tea for Vata dosha is available at Butterfly Ayurveda. You can try the Moringa Leaf Infusion, Shubh Saanjh Chai, Cardamom Black Tea and Masala chai. Also, get a pack of the best tea for Vata dosha- Tulsi Green Tea for Vata balancing. Even the Vata balancing cookies- Prana cookies are highly preferred by the customers.
Vata affects the mind, body, and senses, and seasonal changes can lead to adverse health conditions due to Vata imbalance. Following the tips mentioned above should work like a charm when the Vata season hits you. When you sync yourself with nature, you will live a happy and healthy life without any doubts. Take care of your mind and body and don’t forget to share these tips with your friends and family too.
Rakshit on Jun 13, 2023