Kapha dosha is a combination of Water (Jal) and Earth ( Prithvi) elements. It is responsible for structural development and lubrication within the body. It governs the growth of the dhatus (bodily tissues) - the blood, fat, muscles, bones, marrow and other fluids in the body.
Kapha dosha provides the required moistening and softness in the body that allows for proper functioning of the internal organs, the tissues, and the nervous system. It is the dosha that is responsible for making us the emotional beings that we are.
The presence of Kapha dosha is responsible for the wetness in the mouth (saliva) that assists in proper digestion of food and excretion of wastes, the lubrication between the joints, and the softness in the heart and brain. Kapha dosha is most important for nourishment and rejuvenation of cells, and helps the skin to remain hydrated.
Just like the other doshas, it runs throughout the body. However, its prime area of operation is the lung and chest region. Being a water dosha, Kapha’s qualities are cold, heavy and moist. When Kapha is aggravated or imbalanced it could lead several issues relating to the respiratory health. It leads to excess phlegm formation, cold and cough, a running nose, sinus, or flu like symptoms.
Since kapha is responsible for structural development of the body, it is predominantly prevalent in the womb of a mother when the foetus is developing into a baby, and allows for structural development of the spine and flesh etc. of the baby to take place. This is why pregnant women are recommended to avoid hot potency beverages and foods, like coffee, tea, alcohol etc, since these could affect baby's growth.
During the early years of our life, Kapha dosha is the dominant dosha that allows for a child’s body to develop into an adult body. It provides us with strength, stamina and stability.
Kapha dosha is associated with stability of thought, huge body frame, and heavy bones. An imbalance of Kapha leads to issues of water retention in the body, sluggishness, drowsiness, and the lack of motivation to move or to want to take action. They may also come across as overly emotional people.
Kapha types tend to have a very relaxed and easy going attitude towards life. They have great strength and excellent stamina, when compared to the other two doshic type bodies. However, their ‘ Jatharagni’- the digestive fire is quite weak when compared to the other two doshas, which slackens the digestion process, and makes them not feel hungry for long hours. This also reflects in their nonchalant attitude towards 'change' or resistance to change in life.
When in balance Kapha dosha exudes love, compassion, stability and a sense of security.
Food recommendations for the Kapha types :
- Spicy food is good for your digestive system, since it stimulates the digestive fire and quickens the digestive process. Moreover, it also stimulates the mind to initiate action, and helps expel out excess phlegm and waste from the body. Spices are particularly helpful when one catches a cold or has a severe sinus issue. Some that are highly recommended : black pepper, red and green chillies, and the famous Indian ‘Garam Masala’.
- Barley flour is suitable for your body type, since it is easy to digest, and has numerous health benefits. Whole wheat flour and other heavy flours do not appeal to you, and may make you feel even more heavy, and would not digest soon enough.- Green leafy vegetables tossed in olive oil or with any other dressing, with medium spices will help you stay active and alert. This can be coupled with vegetable or chicken soup that will boost the digestion process.
- Take herbal teas instead of milk teas that will help you keep warm. Our Suprabhat Chai and Ojas cookies are specifically meant for balancing the Kapha dosha.
Simple lifestyle recommendations:
- A fitness regimen to improve flexibility
- Intense workouts which make you sweat will benefit you
- Try to wake up a little earlier than usual in the mornings
- Go for frequent short walks during the day to keep laziness at bay, and meditate to keep your concentration levels high.
At Butterfly Ayurveda, we offer a range of products that will help you balance your Kapha dosha. These include Ojas Cookies, Suprabhat Chai, Lemongrass infusion, Tulsi green Tea, Love your body infusion.
Further, we encourage you to take Ayurvedic consultation for your health issues, and adapt Ayurvedic principles in your daily life to improve the quality of your life.
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